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A general product category is a way to group different products that are alike in some way, or that serve a similar purpose. This helps people find what they need more easily and quickly, by looking in the right category. For example, if you’re looking for a new phone, you might look in the “Electronics” category, which will have lots of different types of phones to choose from.

Global Financial Stability at Risk: The Debate Over Seizing Russian Assets

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recently voiced concerns over the potential repercussions of seizing Russian assets abroad, a move prompted by the ...

New Economic Horizons: BRICS Nations Eye Unified Currency, Spearheaded by Russian-Iranian Initiative

In a groundbreaking move, Russia and Iran are steering efforts to forge a unified currency for the BRICS nations, signaling a significant pivot from ...

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Ninja Silhouette 9 hours ago

Joe Doe in London, England purchased a

Joe Doe in London?

Joe Doe in London, England purchased a

Joe Doe in London?

Joe Doe in London, England purchased a

Joe Doe in London?

Joe Doe in London, England purchased a

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